Sunday, June 6, 2010

Lovely Sunday

My husband took Pippin off to Daddy Playgroup this morning, leaving me with a couple of hours All. To. Myself.

There were a million things I felt I should be doing, but instead I made myself a cup of Japanese sencha and ran myself a bath.

I love essential oil blends for bathing... this morning I mixed up a recipe from Judy Chapman's book Spa: chamomile, rosemary and ylang ylang blended into a small amount of milk and then poured into the bath.

I also adore homemade skincare products - so simple, effective and inexpensive. I mixed myself up the following face mask for my poor neglected skin:

1 tsp ripe avocado, mashed
1 tsp plain yoghurt
1 drop chamomile essential oil (diluted in jojoba)

How easy and delicious is that...

And then after some serious soaking time I took myself downstairs for some yoga... something my body has been totally craving for the last several days.

I feel refreshed and more ready to face another week now. What have you been doing with your Sunday?

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